Information Provided for You

Is texting while driving more dangerous than talking on your cell phone? 
The risk of crashing while text messaging and driving is more than doubled that of talking on a cell phone (Hale).

What percentage of teens text while driving?
60% of teens text while driving (Britt).

How to prevent teens from texting and driving:
1. Turn off your cell phone.
2. Pull to the side of the road to call or text.
3.Put your cellphone somewhere you can not reach it.
("Safety - Tips To Prevent Text Messaging While Driving")

Tips for parents on keeping your teens safe from texting and driving:
1.Don't call or text when your kid is driving.
2. Review your teens phone bill.
3. Share information about texting and driving with your teen.
4. Establish family rules.
5. Set a good example.
("Safety - Tips To Prevent Text Messaging While Driving")

What are the top two age groups involved in fatal crashes due to distracted driving?
The under - 20 age group had the highest proportion of distracted drivers involving fatal crashes (16%). The age with the next greatest proportion of drivers was the 20 - to - 29 - year - old age group (13%) of all 20 - to - 29 - year - old drivers in fatal crashes were distracted ("Driving Distracted/States and Facts/Driving and Texting").

What is the total number of states and/or districts banning texting and driving for teenagers?

18 states and the district of Columbia have passed laws banning texting while driving; nine additional states prohibit teenagers from text-ing behind the wheel (Hanes).

You never know what's infront of you when you are texting and driving.